"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Just Your Typical Saturday

For some people in the world, today was just another Saturday, but in my little corner, it was exceptional! So exceptional in fact, that I kept a list of everything that was good today.

Sleeping In
As all good days should start, this one began with the sunshine streaming though my windows, and my alarm clock turned off. A wonderful start.

Surprise Balloon
After dragging myself out of bed, I joined Amy (my roomie) in the living room where she was watching Grey’s Anatomy (no surprise these days :-). While I was watching, something kept catching my eye in the window, the blinds were closed, but something kept glittering in between the slats. I went outside to see what was out there, and was greeted with two surprises! First, that it was a BEAUTIFUL day!! It seriously felt like spring! June! I ran back inside and demanded Amy come out and feel how lovely it was, and also to see the second surprise, a foil, Happy Birthday balloon had gotten tangled in the bushes!

Writing Notes to Strangers
The two of us excitedly decided to re-launch the balloon, but first we wanted to write a note to whatever stranger re-discovered our little balloon. We wrote: “Dear Stranger! You are beautiful inside and out. And whether your birthday is today or not we hope it’s special! Jesus loves you. Love, Ashley and Amy”.

Launching Balloon
We went outside (running and skipping in my case) and let our balloon go…but it had begun to deflate quite a bit so it took some coaxing and quite awhile for it to actually get more then just a few dozen feet off the ground. But eventually (after a good 15 to 20 minutes!) it was nothing more then a winking speck in the clouds. We watched it until we saw spots and the balloon was far beyond the clouds. I hope someone finds it and that it brings as much happiness to their day as it did to ours!

Roller Bladeing
The day was so, SO pretty, that I had to be out in it, so Amy and I strapped on our roller blades and took a trip around the block.

Behind our house is a YMCA, and behind the Y is a swing set, so we swung.

Walking to Forest Hills Foods
After all that excitement, we were hungry. So we walked over to Forest Hills Foods, a very local grocery store (it takes less then 5 minutes to walk there!). It was extra fun because my friend Justin was working, so got to chat with him a bit before we walked home, carrying our goods.

Eating Salad and Watching Grey’s Anatomy
I love salad. Not the biggest fan of Grey’s, but Amy’s been blasting through every season for the past several weeks, so it’s fun to watch them with her :-)

Crazy Busy Work
I had work at 4:00 at Barnes and Nobles. As I climbed the escalator upstairs to the employees room, I was astounded at how many people were there! It was full, like day-before-Christmas full! Apparently there was an author there signing books, a cooperation doing a book drive, a high school club having story time in the kids section, and a scavenger hunt with the mall!

Seeing Friends in Unexpected Places
After clocking in I was weaving my way to the kids section, when I look up and see a whole pack of staff guys! They were here for the weekend and were hanging out in the mall, they didn’t know I worked there, so it was a surprise for us all. After several minutes of visiting and being their personal bookseller (no, I wasn’t goofing off, they actually had book questions). I retreated back to the kids section where it continued to be crazy busy all night long…in a really, really fun way!

More Surprise Balloons
Later on, when everything had calmed down and all the groups had left, I helped Kimmie take down the table that one of the groups, a cooperation that was raising money to support the deaf and hard of hearing community, had been using. The group had left a pile of ear plus, which they had used to promote their book drive, and a few balloons. I asked Kimmie what to do with the ear plugs and balloons, she said just bring the ear plugs down to the information desk, and she didn’t know what to do with the balloons. I asked if I could have them, explaining that the following night was November 11th, and I needed some balloons to launch for wishing! She laughed and said “Sure! They’re yours!” Yay!

Earplugs and The Biebs
Ok, backstory: Friday night, while I was working, I suddenly hear those three familiar notes, da…dada, followed by an all to familiar “whoa-oh-ooh-oh”, and I said to the customer I was with “I didn’t know we played…Bieber!” indeed, J-Biebs himself. Apparently Barnes and Biebs have joined together in some contest thing, and as a result we play his music in our rotation to promote it. well, I loved it, sang along to every song. My co-workers on the other hand…”are you enjoying this?” Ben, the employing manning music that night asked me. “I am LOVING this! It’s so funny!” I said back. “I hate this.” He responded bitterly, “when it came on, part of me died.”
Fast forward back to Saturday. Again, those three notes, and before Bieber could “know you loved me” I was reaching under the kids desk to crank the volume in my section up. Then I ran down stairs, making a stop at the info desk to grab a few packets of the leftover earplugs, and bee lined it to music, where Ben was again working. “Thought you could use these.” I said sweetly. “Well played.” He replied.

The rest of the night was simple, help customers find books, clean up book after customers leave them everywhere.
End of the night finally rolls around, we all clock out and say goodnight, I drive home, happy and carefree, windows down, hair flying.

It was a GOOD day.

And tomorrow is Sunday.
And 11/11
Another good day to come.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lilies of the Field (or Garden, or Ditch, or Wherever)

Today I was driving down the road and saw one of my favorite sights…tall, glorious, beautiful orange lilies growing in the ditch on the side of the road. These lilies rank among my favorite flowers for many reasons, one, they are just gorgeous! (I mean, really, look at them! They burst upon the earth and bring color wherever they shine their faces!) They also remind me of my garden in Mount Clemens (oh how I miss that little plot of land this time of year!). I had so many lilies, and every year I would watch them shoot up from the ground, their stems growing higher and higher, praying they would bloom before I left for Camp for the summer (sometimes it was close, but they always came out in time to bid me farewell). But it was more than the fond memories and the beauty of the flowers that made me so happy to see these particular blooms on the side of the road today, there was also a hope and a peace they brought with them, a reminder of a promise. Promise, wasn’t that the theme of my year? Have I forgotten so soon?

In Matthew 6:27-30, Jesus says: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”

Ah!! I am of such little faith! Here I am stressing about packing, and I need to get to the store and get this - and oh, the post office to mail that - don’t forget to bring that overdue library book back - go to the bank and deposit all this money and don’t spend another cent or I’ll be broke - gotta get my shifts covered at work - need to call so and so about my ride - did I turn off my straightener? Don’t forget to pack my alarm clock - have to meet with so and so before I go -don’t forget to eat and shower…worry-worry-worry-I-can’t-breath!


Look at the lilies. See them sway in the wind, they are nothing but grass, and yet look at how well the Lord cares for them? You, dear, need to be still, take a deep breath, and know that He is Lord. He’s bringing the pieces together. You, have nothing to worry about. As long as you keep your heart and eyes on Him, He will do what needs doing, and get you to where you need going. Whether you’re in a garden, or a field, or just chillin’ on the side of the road, He’ll make sure you bloom. And that’s a promise.

And so here I am, my life is taking yet another turn down that path. Remember? The Isaiah 30:21 path…I’m still walking and God’s still leading, this time my summer “plans” have taken a turn. Instead of hanging out in Grand Rapids, working, like I thought I would be all summer, I’m being whisked away to go work in the office at UPBC! (halleluiah praise the Lord). The need arose and I felt God’s ok, so away I go! I’m so excited to be able to go home again for more than just my planned week, but for at least a month (maybe more!) and I cant wait to see what God does up there (both at Camp as well as in my own heart, I need this time of refuge more than I know, and I’m so, so thankful that God is bringing me there!) So if you care to find me, look to northern MI, it’s where I’ll be blooming for the next several weeks!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

College No More

"The least of us have some influence in this wide world, and perhaps my little girl can do some good by showing others that a contented heart and a happy face are better ornaments than any Paris can give her." – Louisa May Alcott

Well, I officially withdrew from Cornerstone University last week. I said I’d go till the money ran out, and well, looks like that happened a little sooner than I thought! Truly though, I’m relieved. No more stress over homework assignments (really, I think every time a professor assigns work of any kind, years are taken from the students, like the life sucking machine on The Princess Bride. “You have a ten page paper to write…and there go another five years of your life! Mwahaha!!”) Ok, maybe not all homework is that bad (truth be told, some of it I really enjoyed), but I’m still relived to be done.

Some people, despite what our society says, just aren’t cut out for years and years of college (like me…sorry, I’m no good at math, science, or anything that might promise me a high paying job…English and art, it doesn’t get you too far). Some people are, and thank goodness! Because I would really prefer that my doctor have gone to college and learned from the best! But it’s just not worth it for me to spend my short years and small funds on something that I just don’t see paying off for me.

I know a lot of people don’t think this is the wisest decision, I’ve had many, many, many discussions with them, hearing all the reasons why it’s so important for me to get a high degree and spend as much money and time as possible on my education. The problem I have with that is…it’s my life, let me live it. Everyone is going to make mistakes, and unless it’s a life or death outcome, I humbly ask that you let me make my own choices. Maybe you do think that not getting a high degree is a mistake for me…then when it becomes apparent that it is, I will allow you to say “I told you so.” But, until then, please let me live my life the way I feel is right for me, and the way I believe God is leading me. I’m an adult, and as soon as I turned 21, no one else had any say, just me and God.

Now, some things I've heard from people who think it’s a mistake to pull out of college is this:

You wont be able to provide for yourself, or your future family, unless you get the highest degree possible.” Well, plenty of people provide for themselves on a meager income, yes it’s hard, but it’s possible. And who’s to say I’ll be guaranteed a high paying job that will not only cover my needs, but also the mountains of debt I collected in the process? As for providing for a family, if and when that need arises, I have faith that God will provide.

You’ll be a debt on society.” Ok, when I’m collecting welfare and never come out from in front of my TV, then I’ll say you won that one…but really? Is the only way I can learn is in a classroom? The only way I can help further society is by waving around a piece of paper saying I graduated college? I have a library card, and I intend to use it. And there are many, many ways that I can be an active participant in society…just try to keep up with me! maybe it’s my background as a home school student, but the idea that the only way to really learn is from behind a desk during an allotted eight hours seemed laughable to me. oh how many times have I corrected people that I did indeed go to a “real school”, due to the fact that I “really” learned. But it was a 24/7 schooling, and a learning that certainly did not stop when the bell rang in the afternoon, or the day I received my high school diploma. I can learn wherever I am, I don’t need to be within the walls of a designated building to do that.

You’ll regret not going to college.” Maybe, sometimes…but there are a lot of things in life that we cant do, and there are a lot of things we can, sometime you just have to choose which takes precedence. And trust me, however little I might regret not being in college, I would massively regret having to pay for it for years and years and years and years to come.

Honestly, the most important thing to me is where my treasure is. The Bible says wherever you’re treasure is, there your heart will be also. So I could put my treasure, my time, my money, my goals, hopes and dreams into college, give everything to get the highest degree, highest paying job, best house and possessions money can buy, and thus put my heart into those earthly things. Or, I can set my eyes on things above, give my treasure, time, money, goals, hopes and dreams to God, and see where He takes me. All things considering, I choose the latter…and it’s my choice and mine alone.

The quote I have at the beginning of this post is from my favorite book, An Old Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott. It reminds me that I don’t need the most expensive things to be happy, or to make the people around me happy, all I need is a contented heart and a happy face. And I am learning the secret of being content, in any and every situation. I know that God has a plan for me, and it probably doesn’t include more than an associates degree, but He has promised to care for me, and I have hope for my future.

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” – Jeremiah 29:11