"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig??

And here I sit, in my new house and home, I’ve officially been here my first 24 hours (though most of it has been spent in blissful slumber or watching movies with my family :-) I did find time to check out the library, get ice cream from the local shop, scout out the Target…yup, this place is alright! I’ll only be here for about 2 weeks, then it’s off to Colorado!
Last night I spent the night in my sisters bed, we talked all night and it was good, but I’m ready to go see if I can find my “room” one of these days. My “room” is going to be a room in the basement, if you saw my room in MI, imagine cutting it into fourths, then take one of those fourths and put some tile on the floor and a light switch on the outside and fill it with a scattering of crickets…welcome to my new room! At the moment there is only about a foot and a half by three foot space in the middle, surrounded by all my belongings which fill up the perimeter. So my goal in life over the next few days is to clear that stuff out to the outside and sort through the things I’ll want with me in CO and what I want to leave here.
It’s kind of interesting to see all your belongings piled into one small space. After I saw the room, I asked my mom which of that stuff was mine and which I could take out. “that was all yours.” She informed me. I couldn’t believe that I had that much! I had though I had gone through it all before I left for camp, but apparently I might need to go through it again.
Seeing everything I have reminds me of something that one of the speakers had us do at camp. I think it was JV, but it may have been Varsity, but the speaker had us write down the three most important objects we own. I have so many things that are important to me, but when I have to think of what single three items I would choose to place in the position of “most important” I have a hard time remembering how most of my things hold any significance. In reality, what do I really NEED to survive? What can I not live without? If I had to give everything away, what would I have the hardest time letting go of?
My answers of the three things I chose were, first and foremost, my Bible. Most of the people I asked also said their Bibles, and some people were joking that “of course people will say their Bible!” but it’s 100% true that I could never live without my Bible. My Bible is what I go to in hard times, it’s my letters from God written to me, it reminds me of His love and plan for me. my Bible has all my favorite verses underlined and marked, so in time of need I can find comfort quickly. My Bible reminds me of my identity in Christ, who I am and who He made me to be. there are so many stories I hear of Christians in other countries who cant afford a Bible, and how churches in those countries own a single Bible for their whole body, even a page is enough to bring them comfort and joy. I am so blessed to have my Bible, I couldn’t live without it.
My second item I wrote down as most important to me was my pen pals letters. If you didn’t know, Rachel was one of my best friends, we wrote each other for six years and I saved all her letters. In December 2006 Rachel died of appendicitis. Her letters are precious to me and could never be replaced. I have found so many blessing through the things Rachel taught me.
My third item was my camera. I don’t love my camera for the piece of equipment it is, it’s just a black box. But I love it for the moments it captures. i have an awful memory, and without my camera to capture those moments when I’m happiest, I would forget so many sweet memories! I always find it a blessing to see the smiling faces caught forever on camera.
All that reminded me of the verses Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

p.s. mom, this doesn’t mean I’m throwing everything out! It just means that I’m thinking bout my priorities. So don’t get your hopes up that I’m gonna purge my belongings! Some of it is useful to have and I’m so thankful that, even though I don’t NEED it, I’m still blessed to have it :-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Your Typical Family…

This morning as I was helping out in kids chapel, all the kids were asked to draw a picture of their family, the pictures would be used for tonight’s theme dinner, “Family Reunion”. I decided to draw one of my own, in one corner I drew a pic of my true family, in MD, then in the other corner I drew my staff family (all the kids kept saying “you have a big family!” which, turns out, is very true ;-) then, later back in the kitch, we were trying to figure out what we as a staff would dress up as for the theme dinner. We always try to get into the theme dinners as much as possible, the campers always like it, but today’s theme was “Family Reunion” and we were having a hard time trying to figure out what to dress up as. So while we were trying to come up with ideas, I showed everyone my picture, and someone suggested we create a stereotypical family! it wasn’t long before we had thirty some typical family roles planned out and assigned to each staff member. Our family tree is as follows…..

Staff Family:
Steve – Grandpa, had a cane, had pockets full of candy for everyone
Cora – Grandma, it was her day off so she didn’t have to get too much into her role, but she was very convincing for the moments that she was!
Mark – Grandpa, Vietnam war vet, full of nondescript stories and disappointment in the world today “you kids don’t even know” he’d mutter with a disappointed shake of the head.
Breezy – Grandma, knitting needles, gray hair, hard of hearing,

Steve and Cora’s family:
Janna – nurturing, single aunt, practically a second mother to Abigail’s children. Also a book worm
Abigail – typical 50’s style mother, patient with all, proud of her kids, wardrobe complete with pearl necklace.
Shelby – aka, Aunt Patsy. Cant even begin to describe this woman…she was the obnoxious, insane aunt, pinched everyone cheeks, talked loud and vulgar, chewed gum, wore the brightest, most obnoxious outfit, had us laughing harder than we have all summer.
Andy – aka Uncle Rico, husband of Aunt Patsy. Just about the same as the above description…they were a perfect match…these two did not have kids, this is a blessing to those unborn children as they would not have been able to handle such parents, but Patsy and Rico had plenty to say about the way Abigail and Michael were raising their children.

Mark and Breezy’s family:
Michael – your typical 50’s style father, wore a suit and tie, had plenty of time for his many kids, always a little too happy, albeit rather weary.
Jordan – aka Uncle Jesse, as in the guy on the show Full House…basically the same guy, slicked back hair, and really cool.
Lisa – married to Uncle Jesse
Anderson – Uncle Jesse and Lisa’s son, the cool cousin, basically a lot like his father, only cooler
Teirra – daughter of Jesse and Lisa, the family historian (aka, she drew up our family tree)

Michael and Abigail’s family:
Trevor – the oldest son, athletic, protective, a bit bossy, but a cool big brother, one we could all look up to.
Kara – the oldest daughter, a dramatic teen with a bad news boy friend. She was snotty to our parents and threatened to move in with Aunt Patsy, except Uncle Rico would hear nothing of it.
Drew – the nerdy teen, interested in anything electronic.
Katie – the moody teen, didn’t talk much, glared at everyone, threatened to beat us up. (actually she was having a hard time not laughing the whole time!)
Jessica M – the awkward teen, didn’t quite know here place in life, just turned 13 and thought she was an adult.
Tyler – tween boy, just entering puberty, voice has started cracking and he was very shy and sensitive.
Ashley (me!) – tween girl…I was 10 years old as I told everyone, and I was going to girls camp next year! And I just loved my family so, so much and I let them all know. And my friends had a lot of drama, (Sally wasn’t talking to Jessica again! ) and I was just extremely annoying and happy when my older sibs weren’t teasing me, and when they were I told on them, and, no offence, but I had the time of my life! I think I should just be ten forever!
Jeremy – 4th grade boy, played sports, tried to be cool like his big bro Trevor.
Elyse and Jessica H – our set of twins, they dressed alike and did everything together and were rather mischievous. They were eight years old.
Evan – he was four, and he acted it!
Brittany – the baby of the family, carried around her lamby and hugged everyone and told them all she loved them, and cried sometimes.

And finally, Alana – our favorite babysitter!!!

This is our family, and everyone played their role perfectly! We entered our roles about an hour before dinner, while we were getting ready and all that. The kitch was chaos of all the kids “fighting” and Mother Abigail trying to keep the peace and Aunt Patsy just creating more noise. The cooks kept shaking their heads at our antics, “I hope my family is exactly like this!” I declared at one point, “I hope my family is NOTHING like this!” Lisa retorted vehemently.
Then the men showed up and it was everything you might imagine of a chaotic family reunion with Americas most obnoxious family. everyone would be in their role, then turn away laughing, it was the best ever!
I filmed a few videos, declaring that I was making a documentary of our family for school, I interviewed all the women as we ate in the kitch, then I went and interviewed the men at their table (but I had to go fast because Mommy came out and made me go back and leave them alone).
Then, Bruce, the Family Camp director, who had noticed that we had created a family, asked us to come out and introduce ourselves in character to the campers. So, we lined up and introduced our family (I filmed that too).
After dinner, we kept up the charade throughout clean up, after which we went outside for a family portrait. Which, of course, turned out to be your stereotypical bad family portrait, complete with teens glaring at the camera, baby’s crying, and grandpa blowing his nose.
I am very proud of my staff family, they may be a bit odd, and maybe they embarrass me sometimes, and perhaps not many, if any, people understand them, but I love them forever.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Heavenly Light Show

I ask a lot of questions, one of my favorite things to do it go up to people and just ask them questions about themselves. One of my most asked questions is “what are 5 things you want to do before you die.” For my own answers, the 5 I mention may very, but one of the top is to see the Northern Lights. Well sir, last night I was able to check that one off the list.
We were sitting in staff worship, last night we had a time of discussion where together as girls and guys we asked each other questions about the other, such as “what do girls do that guys don’t understand?” and “how can the guys improve as leaders?” it was a really good time of unifying and understanding each other.
After the questions had been answered, someone mentions going to the beach to see the Northern Lights. I got so excited, I heard of people seeing them up here, but I never had, and had always dreamed of it! they were supposed to come out after about a half hour, so we went to wait it out in the kitch. Then, we all headed out to the beach to see what we would see. when we got there we were disappointed, the whole sky was clear except right along the horizon where a stream of clouds had formed. The clouds were glowing though, creating a light green streak across the sky. We watched and watched, praying that God would part the clouds as He did the Red Sea. After about a half hour, Andy pointed out a break in the slowly moving clouds. I was holding my breath, straining my eyes so as not to miss a moment, when suddenly we saw a streak of green, hazy light pierce the sky! For a few short moments I saw the pale teal colors dance in the sky, the clouds still covered the majority of the light show, but several rays escaped and light up the starry sky.
I still hope to see the Northern Lights in all their glory one day, but now I can say that I have seen them, and I can praise God for His glory! :-)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Varsity….All Of It

Varsity started out the same as it has for me all three years I’ve staffed, with me, in the pink and green polka dotted Kitch Girl apron, washing dishes all morning, watching anxiously out the window above the Kitch Boy sinks (which have the perfect view of the drive the buses arrive on) talking with my kitch boy about how I wish they’d just get here already. And then, finally, they did! Varsity Camp 2010!
Since I was Kitch Girl on the first Saturday, that meant that I got the day off on the first full day of Varsity. I’ve always had mixed feelings bout that day off, since the staff are supposed to be 100% campers as well as 100% staff, on our days off we aren’t allowed to go out, but rather stay around camp and mingle with the campers. Half of me always wants to go out, because it’s pretty stressful to do nothing all day and watch your friends hard at work, and those you serve with serving you, but at the same time I like it, because I means that I can take as long a shower as I want, and sleep as much as I want, and sometimes do the things I don’t have time to do because I’m so busy working. Plus, my sister, Emmy, was here now, so that meant I could spend a lot of time catching up with her. Which we did (after I finally emerged around 4:00 after my sleeping in, showering, getting pretty, and computer time) we colored with Jozzy and Katelin. That was about the extent of my day off, but it was so relaxing and really good to spend time with Emmy.

TEAM: Reach for the Sky!
So the teams each get a t-shirt and they are named after the color of the shirts. This year I was on team Sky, and our cheer was “reach for the Sky!” we had a great team, a few people I knew and a few I didn’t, which was nice. Every game we played we won, but we weren’t super competitive, it was kinda just like “oh, hey, we won, cool.” Though we were a little worried when it came to the volley ball game at the end of the week. The team we were playing, Blue, was the only other team that was also undefeated, but, all was well, because guess what! We tied! Haha, I think I’m happier with that out come then one or the other of us winning, rather then lamenting the tie, we all high fived each other and proudly announced that the teams of blue could not be beat! :-)

OUTTING: Little Presque Isle
For the day trip this year we went to Little Presque Isle. I’d never been there but many of the staff had and I’ve heard so many great things bout it.
The staff drove in separate cars, and when we got to the place we were supposed to start our hike, there were no buses. We waited and waited, turns out the buses were stopping somewhere else to eat lunch first, also turns out that the buses had all of our lunches as well. So then the buses finally did arrive, we staff all gathered around the box of extras and leftovers and divied out what little there was. (actually it was quite a bit, but it’s more fun to pretend it wasn’t :-) I wasn’t too upset though that we had to wait so long, because during the wait a bunch of us talked about personality types, my absolute favorite, so I was content.
When we finally got started on the hike, me and Emmy walked with Katelin and Kayla. Me being me, of course took my time, stopping to take pictures of the cliffs to the right of the trail, exploring off to the side of the path, and making everyone stop to look at this or that amazing thing. hiking is my favorite thing and I cant wait to get to CO and hike every day!
Anyways, due to the slow pace I was setting, we kept getting caught by the adults at the back of the pack who were making sure no one got left behind, but it wasn’t a big deal, we’d just hurry ahead of them and let them catch up again.
After the hike (I think it was about 3 miles maybe?) we arrived at the beach, and from there we could walk through the water to the island. The island was pretty much the best place ever! I cant describe it properly. But if you imagine any part of Lord of the Rings when they are walking trails in the woods or over boulders and rocks, that’s what it reminded me of (ok, maybe not quite that intense, but it was great!) around the other side of the island, there were two cliffs we could jump off, one about 30 feet, the other about 15. I jumped the 30 footer twice, I loved that feeling of falling and plunging into the cold water! :-D
After the cliff jumping we ate and then had worship on the beach. After which we drove home and, in the middle of a missive rain storm with the most incredible lightning I’ve ever seen, we unloaded the buses and ended the day.

TEACHING: It All Points Back to Jesus
So basically, the best speaker I have ever heard in my life is officially Phil Warners. He has the most laid back, conversational way of speaking, the things he’d say were so interesting we couldn’t stop listening, and the points he made caused us to think of things in such a different way. he’s also got the funniest humor ever! The very first day, he got up in front and first thing he said was “my name is Phil and I get to do something none of the rest of you get to do…I sleep with the nurse.” (his wife, Connie, was the camp nurse that week) of course that got us all buzzing with shocked laughter and looks of “did he really just say that!?” but, it is true :-D Emmy, who was sitting next to me, leaned over and whispered “I like this guy already.”
Phil’s teachings focused on taking stories from the Old Testament, and showing us how they all point back to the life of Jesus. I learned so much, growing up we hear all of these stories so many times that we become desensitized to them and they become old news. But the way Phil brought these stories to us gave me a whole new appreciation for them and a desire to dig into them even deeper. One thing Phil had us do at the end of the week was write a letter to ourselves and he is going to send them to us some time in the winter. I put all my notes in that letter, because I loved the notes so much and I want to be reminded of what I learned, I know I’ll be encouraged by that and be able to use it then.
One thing we do after morning chapels is gather together in either our cabins or out teams and have a time of sharing and discussion. One day, Phil joined team Sky, that day we were talking bout what steps of faith we would have to take when we get home, so I was talking about going to MD for the first time. The next morning, before chapel I was in the back working the sound booth, when Phil came up to me and said “God is in Maryland too, that’s what I hear anyway.” That was very encouraging to me. then, that day he was talking about Joshua entering the Promised Land, and something he said really stuck with me, he said “God was asking Joshua to enter a new land, and it was called home.” I feel like that’s so much just what it feels like for me, that God is calling me to a new place, and that place is my home, even if it isn’t yet.

SKITS: Yooper Sound of Music?
So instead of team skits or a talent show, this year we played “Whose Line is it Anyway?” aka, improv skits. Each cabin was given something to act out, and the judges had to guess what they were acting out. The girls staff were given the assignment to “perform the Sound of Music yooper style”, we had 4 minutes to brainstorm, and 2 minutes to perform. We started out singing “lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When we hunt we begin with BANG! BANG! BANG! When we read we begin with ‘Da U.P. Da U.P.’ the first few words just happen to be, ‘Da U.P.’” after which Elyse sauntered out from the behind us singing in a fantastic yooper accent “I am sixteen going on seventeen” after which we sang “hunting and shooting and four wheeling and pasties, fishing and camping and snowshoeing and mineing…these are a few of my favorite things”. It was so much fun, but the guys staff was by far the funniest, and only because theirs was 100% truth. They were assigned to “perform a typical day on staff.” So they started out with Trevor yelling for everyone to get up! Time to go to prayer meeting! Mass chaos as everyone yelled and rushed to get up. “Tyler! Drew! Get up! You're always sleeping!” have prayer meeting, then to breakfast yelling “food! Food!” then, Steve (as Todd) sent everyone out on jobs (Steve performed an excellent mimicry of Todd too) then, “ding ding!” “lunch time! Food!” then back to the jobs (which they all acted out, mowing lawns, building the retreat center, life guarding, ropes) then the 2 minutes were over. But the way they acted it out was so right on how they do it every day, that we all, especially the girls staff, were in fits of laughter.

THE END: Final Jam Night (haha! j/k)
The last night of varsity, after a campfire (which got moved into the Lodge due to rain) we had a little bit of time to hang out. It was so much fun to just laugh with all our friends, me and Emmy told Matt and Mark Reed that they were as cute together as brothers and us two were together as sisters, we wrote a story for Mohawk Chris’s autograph book, we bugged people and hugged people, it was good.
Since the Trading Post (the snack shop) hadn’t opened that night due to rain, we opened it the next morning before the buses left. Even though it was early, I still had fun with Janna and Kara and all the campers who came for that last minute candy or t-shirt. Then, it came that sad, sad moment, when the Griz started to call names and campers began to load the buses. Emmy cried when she was getting on (aka, standing outside the bus when she was supposed to be on it) “why aren’t you crying!? I’m never gonna see you again! You’re only gonna be home for 3 weeks then your going to CO then your gonna get married!!” I calmly told her that there was no plans of marriage any time in my near future, that it’s slightly important to find the guy before deciding such things, and why doesn’t she try to find some nice MD guy for me then so I wont be far away. “ok,” she said, drying her eyes, “I will keep my eyes open. There were a few on our street, they got a rocket stuck in a tree and couldn’t get it out.” Wow, I have high hopes :-D
Anyways, after waving good bye, the buses made their final departure, Varsity Camp 2010 was over, we had grown much together, learned about God, made some memories and friends.

Anyways, that’s all I can think of right now, and it’s about time I head back into the kitch….but I’m sure I’ll remember more later :-D