"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last of the Lasts, First of the Firsts
The list of lasts I’ve been keeping in my head for the past year is finally running out…only a few left, last shower in the purple bathroom, last night sleeping in this room that built me, last morning waking up and climbing these creaky stairs, last time I walk out of that front door that was always there to welcome me home. It’s sad, this list was so long even just a few weeks ago. It was bittersweet though, each time I checked off another last, because I knew that even though the bitter of saying good bye is painful, I know the sweet can only come after the bitter, and I see this new list already coming…my list of firsts:
First Driving to camp (for the past 11 years I have always been driven, this will be an adventure)
First Counseling with my sister (is that a good thing? time will tell :-)
So many more camp firsts I don’t even know about yet but am ecstatic to discover!
The first time I see Maryland (after camp) (there will be many firsts here I cant even imagine yet!)
My first time being fully on my own, in Colorado, completely taking care of myself, an adult (only God knows the massive amounts of firsts waiting for me in THIS adventure!)
My first time climbing a real, God made mountain (haha, this is a first I can not wait for!)
Tomorrow, at 6 in the morning (if you can really call that hour morning!!) I’ll be joining up with two beyond beautiful girls and we shall begin our adventurous journey of the summer together! I’ve given away so many goodbye hugs this week, I can not wait to give out the joyous hello hugs tomorrow!
here are some good memories of some lasts i'm sad to see go, but overJOYED to have had in my life, i want to celibrate them :-)
last game of frisbee here
last ice cream with my fabulous coworkers, I worked at the library from 2006 till last week, for real, best job ever, i loved it all :-) (this is Dana, fellow childrens room page and partner in crime :-)
this is Marge, the childrens room librarian, my boss, and the Lady Barbarian (haha, thats a good thing!)
last (an consequently first :-) walk in the park with my bestest friend Jessie, we've been friends since, um, birth? haha (oh, and my sister, we've been sisters since birth also :-P )
last awana, this is Portia, one of my cubbies, i helped lead this class for the past few years and these chillins have stolen my heart! and also, i've been in awana since i was a cubby too :-D last sunday at Calvary, these boys are the cutest and the best and i wish they were about ten years older :-D haha, just kidding, but i love watching these lil guys grow up! i've known most of the ppl at Calvary my whole life.
last time babysitting the Ruffner family, these two are Sarah and Lily. i learned so much more then would ever be expected through babysitting these kids and their brother David for the past 6 or so years. this is another batch of kids i have loved watching grow and cant wait to see what life holds for them.
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