"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Sunday, June 6, 2010

the first of many

chase a baby bird around my and my neighbors yard, rescue him to somewhere hopefully safe (i named him Mister-Mister p.s. :-) then off to Summerset mall, talking to strange guys with a video camera, pretending to be snooty and rich in Sacks 5th Avenue, planing the perfect decor for a dream home, and wondering if segway scooters would make an escalator go faster....then a mad dash home, a whirlwind of preparation for a Narnian Tea party, get that stubborn tent set up, welcome 16 of the most beautiful ladies in all the land, dine on authentic (enough) Narnian-esqu cuisine, photo-shoot with a giant blue picture frame, climb trees in our dresses, run to the park in the rain, and finally, say good-bye.
this was my day in a very small nutshell. it was a beautiful day, and at the end of it, as i stood at my window, watching the storm dance in my back yard (a back yard i never fully appreciated or realized how beautiful it is) i thanked God for His timing. all day, all week actually, i had been watching the sky with a worried eye, knowing those clouds were full of rain, praying that it would hold out until after this party. guess when it stated raining? just as the parents were arriving to reclaim their young ladies. perfect timing. but then, it always is. :-)
in this case, i can call the timing of the storm "perfect" because it fit in with my agenda, my time schedule. but the part i'm still learning, still trying to understand, is when God brings that rain in before i think i'm ready for it. and rain isnt always the wet kind.
today, i had to start the part of moving that i wanted to put off as long as possible, but it had to start some time. the part of saying good-bye. tonight, as a few of the girls were leaving, i had to say good-bye to them for what may be a very, very long time. what scares me is that some of the people i say good-bye to now, i may never have the chance to say hello to again (at least not on earth). that is rain i dont think i'm ready for yet. but Gods timing is perfect, whether i think so or not.

Isaiah 43:19 - See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

thank goodness God gives us an umbrella :-D

1 comment:

  1. Never forever, Miss Ashley! I'm so glad I got to spend the day with you, and I can't wait to again, whenever that shall be! :D
