"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lilies of the Field (or Garden, or Ditch, or Wherever)

Today I was driving down the road and saw one of my favorite sights…tall, glorious, beautiful orange lilies growing in the ditch on the side of the road. These lilies rank among my favorite flowers for many reasons, one, they are just gorgeous! (I mean, really, look at them! They burst upon the earth and bring color wherever they shine their faces!) They also remind me of my garden in Mount Clemens (oh how I miss that little plot of land this time of year!). I had so many lilies, and every year I would watch them shoot up from the ground, their stems growing higher and higher, praying they would bloom before I left for Camp for the summer (sometimes it was close, but they always came out in time to bid me farewell). But it was more than the fond memories and the beauty of the flowers that made me so happy to see these particular blooms on the side of the road today, there was also a hope and a peace they brought with them, a reminder of a promise. Promise, wasn’t that the theme of my year? Have I forgotten so soon?

In Matthew 6:27-30, Jesus says: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”

Ah!! I am of such little faith! Here I am stressing about packing, and I need to get to the store and get this - and oh, the post office to mail that - don’t forget to bring that overdue library book back - go to the bank and deposit all this money and don’t spend another cent or I’ll be broke - gotta get my shifts covered at work - need to call so and so about my ride - did I turn off my straightener? Don’t forget to pack my alarm clock - have to meet with so and so before I go -don’t forget to eat and shower…worry-worry-worry-I-can’t-breath!


Look at the lilies. See them sway in the wind, they are nothing but grass, and yet look at how well the Lord cares for them? You, dear, need to be still, take a deep breath, and know that He is Lord. He’s bringing the pieces together. You, have nothing to worry about. As long as you keep your heart and eyes on Him, He will do what needs doing, and get you to where you need going. Whether you’re in a garden, or a field, or just chillin’ on the side of the road, He’ll make sure you bloom. And that’s a promise.

And so here I am, my life is taking yet another turn down that path. Remember? The Isaiah 30:21 path…I’m still walking and God’s still leading, this time my summer “plans” have taken a turn. Instead of hanging out in Grand Rapids, working, like I thought I would be all summer, I’m being whisked away to go work in the office at UPBC! (halleluiah praise the Lord). The need arose and I felt God’s ok, so away I go! I’m so excited to be able to go home again for more than just my planned week, but for at least a month (maybe more!) and I cant wait to see what God does up there (both at Camp as well as in my own heart, I need this time of refuge more than I know, and I’m so, so thankful that God is bringing me there!) So if you care to find me, look to northern MI, it’s where I’ll be blooming for the next several weeks!