"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Be Still

Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt: Still.

Be still, and know that I AM GOD.

What does it mean to be still?

Every year at Varsity Camp, the campers are challenged with this question. We are encouraged to find a time to be still and quiet before the Lord, without distraction of friends, food, or other activities, and just listen. At some time during the week we break after chapel, and without speaking, we all scatter around camp, for a time of silence and solitude. Usually we are given 45 minutes or so to dedicate to being still.

I live for these short moments.

After being released from the chapel I make a bee-line for my cabin, grab my towel, and with my Bible and journal in hand, I all but run down the Bear Trail out to the Back 40, across the Angle Ball field, and through the break in the trees onto the trail for the Disc Golf course. I pass the first tee off point, pass the basket for hole one, down the hill, through the narrow, sandy path, until finally I find my resting place. My refuge within my refuge. The second tee off point.

The disc golf course is built right into the woods, the paths naturally bend and curve to the flow of the forest, over hills, through weed covered fields, marsh, grass and sand. It’s like secret world, when I’m back there, I can forget the hard things, I can breath, I can be still.

I check my watch to see how many precious, silent moments are left, then I lay out my towel on the sandy floor. This tee off point is in the perfect location, in front of me starts the short board walk over the marshy field, with hole two on a hill in the distance. Behind me and on my right and left are trees, shading me from the hot sun, yet filtering through it’s golden light.

I lay my head down on my Jacobs rock. In the front, right corner of the wood framed square of sand, is a medium sized rock, with a gentle curve just right to cradle my head. It reminds me of the rock Jacob laid down on in the Old Testament.

I lie there and feel the sunshine warm me. I ease my breathing and relax my body. Peace fills me.

Bugs try to bother me, ants crawling on my arms, flies buzzing around and around my head, but I ignore their annoyances, and thank God for their existence. I thank Him for everything I see, gentle whispers of thanks.

When I’m out there, I am reminded that He is God. That’s something I forget in the noise. The noise of sound, the noise of responsibilities, the noise of my possessions. I forget.

Sometimes we just need to find a place to leave behind the noise, and just meet God with empty hands and open hearts. A place where we can silence our thoughts and hear His still, small voice.

Be still, and know that I Am God.

(This post was inspired by a woman who challenges writers to “Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.” She gives a word every Friday. I realize that this is Saturday, and it did take me longer then five minutes to write this, but, oh well.
Also, to you camp people who may read this, next silence and solitude when I'm actually at Camp, please don’t steal my spot!)

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