I am doing this thing called “Blogging For Books” where the publisher sends me a free book and all I have to do is read it (ha, easy enough!) then write a review and post it to both a distributor website and my own personal blog…and I get the book free!
So when I saw that one of the books offered was “Praying for Your Future Husband” by Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyer, I was very excited to pick it up, for two reasons: since what I want to be when I grow up is a mother and wife, it’s pretty important that my husband, whoever he is, is a strong man of God, and right now, since I don’t know who he is, the only way that I can encourage him to be so is to pray for him. I know that whoever he is, and wherever he is in life, God is with him and watching over him, and I know God will use my prayers to help him become the man he needs to be.
But that’s not the only reason I was excited for this book. See, if I want me and my husband to be the best team possible for our family, then not only does he need to be a great man of God, but I need to be continually developing to be a woman of God (and goodness do I need all the help I can get!) and what was wonderful about this book, not only did it give reasons and topics to pray for my future husband, but it also helped me pray those same things for myself! I don’t want to ask my husband to be anything I wouldn't be myself, and I have been so encouraged by this book to begin developing these strong characteristics in myself as well as praying that God would develop the same things in my future husband.
in this corrupted world, we need all the help we can get, and prayer is our strongest weapon, so lets use it!
(below is the review I posted to the website, it gives more details in case your interested :-)
Great book! Opens up a lot of discussion for how one goes about praying for her future husband, and in turn how prayer can change the girl praying for the better. Each chapter followed a well planed layout: discuss the topic, tell a portion of the two authors own love stories in reference to the topic at hand, share a few more real life stories shared by women and how prayer played a part in their love stories, bring it all around at the end summing up the chapter, and then closing with two prayers that the reader can pray, one about her future husband, and one for the reader to pray for herself, asking God to not only develop the qualities she was praying for in her husband to be, whoever he is, but that He would also give her opportunities to grow in those same characteristics.
I know that many girls scoff at the “ploys” that seem to be rampart in our society to “get a guy”. I’ve heard girls complain that so many girls think that if they start doing things like praying for their future husband, that God would suddenly make him appear. What I liked about this book, however, was that the authors did a fine job of showing the power of prayer, and how prayer for a future husband not only benefits the man in question (as told in many amazing stories in the book where women got the feeling to pray specific things for their future husbands on the very day the men needed it most!) but prayer also greatly benefits the one praying, and develops a deeper, more personal relationship with God!
This is a great book for any girl who is in that place of discouragement because she longs to find her “one” but is clueless as to what she can do about it. There is power in prayer!
This is the next book I'm getting. *smiles*