"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

FCA Lock In

Briana and Cody’s practicum (or, internship) was with a school youth group, one of the requirements for practicum was that we had to get a certain amount of hours by the end of the semester, well, with the youth group Bri and Cody were only able to get a couple hours a week, so to make up for it and gain more hours they decided to host a lock in at a local church. (fun fact! The church they ended up booking was the church I had been going to while out there, Grace Bible Church). Bri and Cody weren’t sure at all how many kids to expect, so a bunch of us students went along to help out.
Turns out only four showed up, so there was about two FLI students to every FCA student, but it was ok. We played a few rounds of dodge ball, then the churches youth group, which was having a game night upstairs came down and joined us for a rousing game of Ghost in the Graveyard. As it got later the church youth group left, as well as three of the FCA kids, leaving one boy with eight FLI students, the boy wanted to watch a movie, so he and a few of the FLI-ers hung out downstairs. I wasn’t too interested in a movie just then, so I followed the sound of piano music upstairs to find Chris playing away as Meg and Ciera listened. We hung out up there for the rest of the night till we went to bed, playing around, we may or may not have gotten just a slight bit goofy :-)

List Of Rather Random Things To Do In An Abandoned Church Sanctuary On A Lock In:
1) Make up a story with music and play it on the piano (Chris asked us to give him some words and he’d make up a story about it, we gave him butterfly, boy, net, thunderstorm, and jar. He played a song and we could tell exactly when everything was happening, though we couldn’t quite understand how it ended…the butterfly was flying around, happy and free, when suddenly the boy showed up with a butterfly net! The chase was on and the butterfly desperately tried to out run the boy, but alas, he was caught, and placed in a jar. The music got sad there, as the butterfly sadly sat in the jar, every once in awhile with a desperate attempt of escape, with now luck. Then, suddenly, the storm came, and played the same game of chase with the boy as he had played with the butterfly! Finally the boy was chased inside, in the meantime knocking over the jar, setting the butterfly free. The storm calmed and the butterfly gladly and joyfully reentered the world once again a free soul! But (as Chris explained) the song ended with a sudden and unexpected dun dun duuun! Which was a stray bolt of lightning striking the butterfly…he died.)
2) Explore the baptismal tank
3) Give a sermon in tongues (however, since it’s not biblical to speak in tongues without an interpreter, have someone (like Ciera) give an interpretive dance behind you.
4) Have an army crawl race under the pews from the back to the front (phew, it’s a lot harder then you'd think! What a work out!)
5) Lie in the pews and talk for hours.

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