"Life is a journey, and I have no clue where it's taking me, but I want to remember it."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Be Ye Not Afraid or Discouraged By the Battle….

…The battle is not ours
It is Gods! It is GODS!
And when we begin to sing
Hey! Hey! Hey!
And when we begin to praise
Hey! Hey! Hey!
The Lord will set up ambushes
Against the enemy
He will! He will!
Against the enemy

This song was sung last week at JV, and at first I hated it, (if you could actually hear it, you’d understand just how obnoxious it can be!) and I would sing it in the kitch to annoy the girls because it would get stuck in our heads and bug us all. BUT, this week, I have a whole new appreciation for that song, this song which has quickly become the perfect theme song for JV Camp 2010!
We are under attack here at UPBC, I have never seen such fierce spiritual battle before. There are so many crazy amazing things that have been going on, good and great God things, that the devil is obviously angry beyond belief and trying everything in his power (which is so limited) to tear us down…no such luck!
Ok, so here’s what's been happening…today, at 12:30 am, we officially survived 24 hours without a hospital visit, the first full day in FIVE DAYS!
Our first hospital visit was Brian, one of the staff guys and the smileyest kid you'd ever meet! During one of the JV night games he fell and broke his shoulder, since it was at night he was brought right to the hospital, and by morning his dad was here to pick him up and bring him home. It was so sad though, because we didn’t even get to say goodbye to him! :-(
The next day was Marie (my last post) this was the first visit that involved an ambulance.
Next, one of the campers, PJ, was rushed to the hospital with a very high fever, he’s back and ok now.
Next, Bill Hill, one of the speakers, fell and hit his face while playing basketball…he was rushed in with an ambulance with the possibility of a concussion. He too is now back and doing fine.
NEXT, just when we thought nothing else could happen, yesterday I come out of the dorm to find yet another ambulance parked outside the dining hall…”it’s Todd” someone said. Todd is the one in charge of the staff and the director of the whole camp, he is the one we look up to most and fear the most :-D getting a complement from Todd is the best ever, since he’s very rare about them and genuinely means them.
Anyways, Todd was working on the freezer in the Trading Post when he was electrocuted; his hand was stuck in there for about 20 seconds before he was able to push himself out with his other hand. Everyone was pretty shook up, it was right at lunch time so we all gathered around the pit table for a pit prayer for him. Those prayers were answered and he’s back and fine, except for a sore shoulder. It’s crazy though, because as Aunt Sam (Todd’s wife) pointed out, all the rest of us staffers had been in and out of there, yet he was the only one strong enough to be ok through that! Praise the LORD!
Now, why, you might ask, would this all be happening? Why all these random accidents? Why the ambulance visits (in 11 years I have never seen an ambulance here, now there have been four within a week! (Aunt Dort, an older woman, she’s about 80 I think, was taken in about a week ago) Why (as Eliza Ferris and I would say to each other in mimicry of “David After Dentist” is this happening!?
Let me tell ya! There's a camper led Bible study (started by campers)
Last night was revival night in chapel (at least that’s what the staff is calling it) when the staff and counselors were able to pray with any campers who wanted too, and many kids accepted Jesus as their savior, and so many others rededicated their lives to Him! (yeah, the hour and a half service turned into two and a half)
Specific prayer requests are being answered
Campers are connecting with each other and the counselors and staff
God is present and we all know it!
All this and more is driving the devil crazy! he’s so mad, but we’re not letting him win! This battle is Gods and every time He wins another fight through us I get so excited I want to jump up and down and dance around! Haha, it’s so good up here.

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