so, with everything God is bringing to me right now, i wanted to have some way to keep people updated. so many people have been praying for my family and i appreciate it so much. Gods been crazy to us and so much is happening. soo, hopefully over the summer, fall and winter of this, the biggest year of my life thus far, i'll be able to keep up with all you great people :-)
p.s. as you may notice, i dont have the greatest writing etiquette quite all the time :-D since i'm usually much more concerned with getting what i want to say out, i dont bother paying attention to the proper way to write, so you'll have to forgive that. so for those of you who are not familiar with my general abbreviation quirks, some of my regulars are: fr (for real) ppl (people) idk (i dont know) ik (i know) lol (laughing out loud) prolly (probably) cuz (because) wanna (want to) gonna (going to) and i'm sure many more.
also, i will rarely ever capitalize anything, sorry mom :-P and i am a firm believer that misspellings add character, so just ignore those :-D
haha, ok, so yes, i hope that this works to keep all you informed of things happening. and if you ever get bored with ALL the stuff i'm putting here, please take note, most of this is for selfish reasons cuz i wanna remember it all for myself, lucky you just get a peek into the crazy messed up mind of me :-)
p.p.s the title "why why why" is referring to my reason for starting a blog...haha, juust to tell ya :-)